
The transformative learning process at Legacy Academy is designed to help our students grow both in and out of the classroom. Each day is filled with opportunities to experience new educational and social situations to further development. Our teachers create a safe and open setting, where they can guide students in exploring and understanding the world around them. Using universal design and reverse mainstreaming, we welcome neurodiverse learners into one environment where they can learn and grow together. Students have access to social and emotional learning, guided academic resource, speech and occupational therapy; all within a safe, supportive atmosphere.
Core Educational Principles
"A child's character education should take priority over his academic education. All educational efforts are basically meaningless unless built on the solid foundation of good character"
-- The Rebbe
-Character and behavioral development are of utmost importance
-Students are provided the opportunity to develop the skills of a establishing a Legacy: leadership, outreach, community involvement etc.
Multi-Age Learning in Alternative Environments
-Learning in done in a variety of settings (bean bags, floor, desks, whole group, individual, pairs, etc.)
-Students learn along with students of all ages
Parents as Team Members
-Parents are a child's first teachers and we are so excited to partner with you in your child's education. We value your insight and appreciate all of your support. We encourage parents, staff and students to maintain open and productive communication.
Competency Based Learning through Universal Design
-Learning is based on individual mastery of skills and concepts
-Students are self-motivated and set the pace for their learning
-Core studies are done in classes and home is for family, play, and extended learning
-Classes use a reverse mainstreaming approach: bringing together neurodiverse learners in one space
Student Involvement
-Students have a high degree of choice: teachers prepare curriculum and academic expectations; Students are involved in deciding how and when these goals are accomplished.
Teachers as Guides
-Our dedicated teachers work as guides for children as they discover, learn, and understand the world around them and their place in the world.